Racolța Mihaela Maria

Racolța Mihaela Maria


The Secretary-General of Satu Mare is a leading civil servant, with higher legal education, which ensures the observance of the principle of legality in the activity of issuing and adopting administrative acts, the stability of the mayor's specialized organizational structure.
The duties of the Secretary-General include:

•    endorsing the draft decisions and countersigning for legality the provisions of the mayor and the decisions of the local council;
•    participation in local council meetings;
•    ensuring the management of administrative procedures regarding the relationship between the local council and the mayor, as well as between them and the prefect;
•    ensuring the procedures for convening the local council, and carrying out the secretarial work, communicating the agenda, drawing up the minutes of the local council meetings and drafting the decisions of the local council;
•    ensuring the preparation of the works subject to debate by the local council and its specialized commissions;
•    other attributions provided by law or tasks given by administrative acts.